God is in the details

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God is in the details, they say. Trivia is important. We do a lot of things every day. Some consciously, some almost involuntarily. Many tasks are on auto pilot. They are routine. They hardly garner any attention from us. Which is absolutely fine. But the thing is what we do everyday defines, designs and basically builds the world around us. This country has been free for more than 65 years now. Or maybe a better way of putting it would be to say that this country has been a democracy for more than 65 years now. And as of today, there isn't a single shred of light that is promising enough for the billion people that call it their own. No one’s happy. There are scams and lies everywhere. Morality is dying a slow death. Government is a joke. Governance is a ridiculous idea, maybe even a myth.  And the future looks bleak.
Everyone seems to have answers. And everyone has an audience. People don’t shy away from voicing their opinions, their solutions to the problems. And so it is safe to say that most of us are well informed about the state of affairs. Most of us are in fact sure that we are doomed. We can put together a million words, post intelligent looking articles, comment/discuss on social forums, take over the internet world and a lot of other similar things and still ensure no difference at all. Because the real problem lies, not outside but inside. Inside what? Inside our lives. Inside our very trivial, routine, everyday lives.

We are making conscious choices everyday. And with those choices we are giving approval to various entities that directly or indirectly, govern our lives. The more you watch a news channel, the more news they will bring to you. The more you visit McDonalds, the more outlets they will open. The more you litter, the more messed up the railway station will be. It is very simple. With everything we do, there is something that is gaining support and growing. There is nothing special about this. This is natural. You give something nourishment and attention, it grows. Grows into good or bad, well that depends on what you are interested in. Sadly we have all collectively focused upon the bad part for a long time. Or maybe we forgot to pay any attention to the good part.

The bottom line is that it won’t matter what problems we are listing and what solutions we are coming up with. It won’t matter what we criticize and what we support. Its not about what we think or what we do, or what we think we are going to do. It’s what we are already doing everyday. It’s what we are choosing to be part of our lives.  If we want change, we have got to focus on the trivia, concentrate on the details. And that is the tricky part. It’s not easy, takes effort. Conscious effort. But there is one good thing about it. This actually means that we have all the power. We can do it if we want to. The second part of that sentence however, is a different story altogether. 
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  1. Precisely. For us to change, the change needs to be exhibited in the smallest of our actions & activities, thus reflecting our attitude along the way.
