When was the last time you thought about the well being of the whole world, no race, no religion and no nation?

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Life in some parts of the world is just hard on a daily basis; it is not the fault of anyone living there really. Nations that have faced turmoil for many years now may have even forgotten how it all began. It is a sad fact that in the same world we have people who are too safe and too soft and then there are people who are exposed to too much danger on a daily basis. Think about it, you don’t sleep at night with the fear that you will get bombed in your sleep. You don’t sleep at night thinking about what you are going to do tomorrow for money and food. You don’t sleep at night in a refugee camp and expect to be moved to another one in the morning. At least 60 nations around the world are affected even today by some form of war or another, are you in one of them? Have you ever thought about how people at war even manage to sleep at night or whether they sleep at all?  
Dangers apart, the living conditions that poor, hardworking people have to put up with in different parts of the world may come as a joke to many people reading this. The fact that there are people in resource rich countries around the world living in the worst conditions is a well known fact. The people who own the land don’t even get to reap benefits off their own land as most of it is somehow tied up in a complicated system that really does not entitle people to a major share of the produces. Some of the poorest nations in the world are from Asia and Africa. It is a surprising thing to me always as my understanding of geography has also clearly pointed out to me in my early days that these nations are all resource rich nations, then how is it that they still suffer?

When was the last time you thought about the well being of the whole world, no race, no religion and no nation? When was the last time you had a sleepless night? When was the first time you went to bed hungry not because you are on some stupid diet but because you did not have money for food? When did you experience discomfort, not with your shoes or not with your fancy clothes but real discomfort where your roof was leaking and you couldn’t fix it?
If you are reading this then chances are that you are already part of a privileged set of people from a humanity that is disconnected to at least half of the rest and its suffering. Only about 1% of the world’s people have more than 40% of the world’s money, considering how people in the poor countries work much harder, the money should also be concentrated there but it is not so. Poor nations are forced to bring down labor rates and for them things don’t ever seem to improve. More than 70% of the world’s money is concentrated to less than 20% of its population and this 20% do not make up the real hard working people who sweat it out every day in the sun and in the cold, but the people who belong to a privileged class, people who probably have not had a sleepless night in their lives before.

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