Beware: Propaganda Ahead!

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Information is vital. For everything we do or don’t we must have sufficient data to support our choices. And we do have a lot of data. On the surface, it looks like we are being bombarded with information. Lots and lots of it coming from every corner. But the truth is that information like every other product can be manufactured and transported to any place we like. Now this is a process that has been carried out for ages. However, it didn't matter much before. Before the esteemed “twenty first century” that is. Because by the time things( read: words) circulated around every entity concerned, the matter usually got settled. Which had both rewards and penalties in those times.  And people dealt with that. And our race still managed to survive and move forward.
But then came the age of information. Free information. Useless information. Useful information. Silly information. Treacherous information. There is information everywhere and it is really hard to discern the truth from the lies. Somehow evil always has more power. In movies and reality. Sure the good guys have the last laugh in stories. But in reality there is no such thing as last laugh. It’s a continuous journey of struggle and hardships and sometimes triumphs. Although the story doesn't end at the triumphs. It just starts all over again. So anyway about the evil having more power, the lies manage to spread around magically. And isn’t it funny that most of the times we have a hard time believing in the truth but the lies, the lies go into our heads undisputed. And it is this naivety that gets to us.

Here’s an interesting experiment. Take any issue. Absolutely anything you like. From politics to sports, media, forests, animals, the water you drink, the food you eat, the vehicle you drive, space, aliens, the universe, god. ANYTHING. Pick anything and just find more about it. Where is it coming from? Who made it? What is it’s back story  You’d be amazed at what you will discover. Almost everything we see, hear, feel is an illusion. Created by the masterminds of our species. Why? There is only one answer for this question. No matter what the issue the answer is always money. They want money. And then some more money. People who have money always want more money. Whatever you find out in that experiment, you can always connect it to money.
Everything around you has an ugly story behind it. It’s not really a secret. And nobody is keeping it from us. We’re just too busy to make an effort to find out what really is going on. There is really a lot of information. It’s all about what you choose to believe.

  • ·         Earth hour has got nothing to do with earth. It doesn't do shit to our environment.
  • ·         Petrol and diesel used in automobiles is a fraction of it’s entire usage. Everything you use is made with      the help of oil. And yet all we can think of to save the world is carpooling.
  • ·         The government people and the business biggies are one big happy family.
  • ·         And the news channels are their distant relatives.
  • ·         You don’t have to get a haircut and drink a beverage to have everything “Oh yes Abhi!” . That’s just ridiculously overpriced sugar water. Carbonated, of course!
  • ·         There are really aliens out there somewhere.
  • ·         You are as free as that dog you carry around in a leash!
  • ·         And here’s the big one: there is no such thing as democracy.

All this? Information. Do not believe in it right away. Analyse. Find out more. Count to ten. Take a deep breath. And then make up your mind. Because the truth is really lying around in some corner. And it doesn't take a lot out of your time. Just a tiny little bit. And we all have a little bit of time, don’t we?

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