The best job in the world?

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Thankless as it can be, a teacher’s job is one of the best in the world. I really envy people who can teach well. I really envy all the wonderful teachers I had and still have and I am really grateful to them. Teaching is an art and good teachers are artists on a grand stage. The exaggeration may be required in this case and if you’re thinking why I’m still rambling on about it, you will have to try and teach a person something; As a matter of fact, anything at all!

A popular saying goes "Those who can't do, teach". On the contrary, teaching requires a lot of patience; it requires a lot of restraint on the part of the teacher. Teaching comes with the immense responsibility of shaping futures of students. Regardless of how bad a student is, a good teacher never gives up. Teachers will task you they if have to, they will be harsh on you if they have to only to serve a purpose that is much greater and infinitely profound if you think about it.

Teachers sometimes end up showing temper and frustration but a good teacher will not lash out, considering the things that they have to deal with on a regular basis. Think about it - a teacher’s job is really among the best, as well as the more challenging, jobs in the world. 

"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'." - Dan Rather

In fact more people should come forward and teach. Especially in a country like ours where there is apathy available in wholesale, we should come forward and chip in whatever way we can. Teachers are a critical element in the progress of a nation and good teachers are always welcome. In fact in a country like ours where, even though the teacher to student ratio looks reasonably placed at a comfortable 30 to 1, quality education is rare and whatever diminished literacy we have stands at a dismal 74%, well short of even the global literacy rate. Please don’t be mistaken, there is a massive difference in a literate person and an educated one. It is the need of every hour to have good teachers around; a good teacher can easily inspire world leaders and yet remain in the shadows, unnoticed.

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