Let's talk

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Remember the last time you greeted an anonymous person/a complete stranger. When Was the last time a little courage and a vague countenance of your face was enough to crack a conversation with a new colleague at the workplace. Most of us would say- 'haven't done this for a long while.' It is apt to say that techno-cultural revolution has spawned this fear of unknown and has molded our new set of beliefs.Ask your grandfather how he greeted every single person he met during the day.This cultural shift could possibly because of our over dependence on technology.
It won't be foolish to say that technology has enslaved us, since 95% of human interaction is facilitated by optical cables and satellites.So are we really connected?No ? That sense of belonging is long gone. Statistics are alone capable of strengthening this hypothesis. People are in more depressive state of mind then they were 50 years ago, when technology had a much smaller role to play in human interaction.
Man has cocooned himself in an infinite web of technology.People are restless and feel isolated in high suburbs where per sq. km density of people ranges in lakhs. Even though a modern man lives in a close and technologically well-connected geography, he is practically doomed to stay in forced isolation. We have cellphones, infinite internet messengers, video talks are just a click away.
Internet can facilitate a live conversation with a close pal or soul-mate who is geographically thousands of miles away, but can it ever surpass the power of meeting some one in person, when the warmth of the other soul can amplify the feeling of connection to manifolds. And soothes the entire being. But the problem is people are scared to talk.They think its unwise to communicate to a stranger, it would be insulting to talk to that new person(if he/she ignores you), it would be embarrassing if the neighbor doesn't respond well. But I would suggest to go against your pre-conceived notions.

Come and lets talk , its magical. There are lonely people, who are desperately
looking for a sense of belonging in the populace, millions who simply would like a friend to talk to.They are indeed hungry for care and attention. Rather than not doing anything productive the entire day,
its a better idea to plan an outing with friends during a fine weekend. We mustn't forget, we are human beings,not the automated chat-bots and we must respect our true identity.No technological invention can ever change our inherent nature and the deepest values, flesh and bones, that's what we are. And if we wish to compromise with that too, it would surely result in lost identity. Einstein had predicted it right -"When
technology would surpass the human interaction,we will have a generation of idiots."We certainly wouldn't enjoy to end up like that. Its our time,its our chance for change.Let's start talking more and this time it shouldn't turn out to be our date with the technology. :)

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  1. What a way to start the journey with us !

    solitaryreaper our new contributor...

    Welcome aboard friend !

  2. Wow... it's like we are telepathically connected or we have surpassed clogged old way of thinking and are a level of where we both share the common consciousness.

    Anyway, these are all theories, but brother this is exactly what i have been thinking about, well not just thinking about but also practicing, doing it , and getting better at it.

    Let us name this Phenomena as "Let's Talk" and try some of the things mentioned and of course invent our own new ways of going about it.

    I would love to share my experience about the same, the hurdles i faced etc etc...

    From the second last para " .They think its unwise to communicate to a stranger, it would be insulting to talk to that new person(if he/she ignores you), it would be embarrassing if the neighbor doesn't respond well. But I would suggest to go against your preconceived notions" - SO True,....before even you say hi to someone you start assuming stuff.

    beautiful article - keep it up.
