The blood of another

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Disturbing news from around the world usually forces me to think about this question. Do we really need guns? If we do then what really are they for? All that weapons have ever brought about is war and suffering. Do we really need to kill to live and kill to survive? As if we don’t have enough death in the world already, people are dying of hunger, people are dying of disease and people are dying of hard toil.

The sweat of one man has a greater value than that of another; the blood of one man has a greater value than the blood of another. How have we come to live in such a world? In one part of the world there are so many wars happening as we read this, how is a war that kills people in Africa different from a bomb that kills people in America? Everyday people in many parts of the world die because of some form of conflict. This conflict has been never ending and in many ways it perpetuates itself. How else can you explain how people in poor countries have nothing to eat but money enough to buy weapons and ammunitions? Where is this money coming from and who is really responsible for this unrest?
The blood of another has always been easier to spill for us human beings, we don’t mind who dies as long as it is not one of our own and when one of our own does die there is the need for a retaliation but this retaliation has always consumed the innocent, in many cases people who have no idea why they are under attack. In most cases the general population is affected while the ones who sign off on the blasts, the ones who are responsible for the blasts and the shootings are seen tucked away in the comfort of their homes drinking expensive wine.

People are dying of hunger, disease and disaster but we have managed to kill more from our ignorance. If it is happening where we are, we are somehow responsible for it. Individually it is also our responsibility to ask questions about things that we are really concerned about, and collectively it is a greater responsibility that we find answers to those questions. Humanity will cease to exist as a race if we continue to divide ourselves on lines made of ignorance. Humanity will cease to exist if we drown ourselves in conflict that has no roots, conflict that is created to exploit and conflicts that are created to divide. The individuals must bring the change, think about it, think about it individually and then think about it collectively.

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  1. Of lately, I have been thinking about a border less world. It sounds not practical, but it will stop genocides that are carried all around the world in the name of patriotism. Why do we need a country? Why cant we live, play, prosper in anywhere we want? Why do we need VISA or a passport? Why not open our borders and be governed by a GLOBAL COUNCIL accommodating representatives from different areas/parts of the globe? Imagine a global government! No killings, no terrorism, no regionalism you can study in an university of your choice, though based on your merit and not have to pay those extra thousands of dollars. You could be an astronaut from NASA, cosmonaut from RSA or from ISRO. Together we all prosper and live in harmony. The concept is hypothetical but is intriguing!
